The Incredible Holts

The Incredible Holts
copyright@ Rejli Photography

Friday, September 19, 2008

Tough week...

Well, wow, it has been a little stressful this week. I have learned a lot about myself though... I am a control freak! If it is not in my control, I want nothing to do with it! I can tell you that I absolutely hate not being in control of my life! It is not a good feeling. Colby told me that I have to start living in the present, the past makes us depressed, and the future gives us anxiety. So true. But, I also know that we can only control 5% of our emotions, so there. Anyway, I hope everyone doesn't feel as though I am ignoring them. I am just really busy. I decided that I am not going to graduate this semester. I will finish all of my classes, but I am not going to take the test. I just have too much stress and I can't add to it. I will just pay an extra $400 to ASU to keep me an active student and I will take the test in the spring, easy enough and no stress! If I owned an "easy button" I would push it!


Edna Guerrero said...
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Edna Guerrero said...

Misty.... I have a gift for you.. check it out on the link below! next time I see you I will give it to you and maybe life will get better when you push that easy button! LOVE YA!!!