The Incredible Holts

The Incredible Holts
copyright@ Rejli Photography

Monday, September 15, 2008

My Tay

I just had to share this with the rest of the world. My daughter,Taylor, is my ray of sunshine. She makes me laugh so much. If you haven't had the chance to get to know Taylor, you better because I know one day she is going to be famous. She resembles my Grandmother, Janice, which I am so thankful for. Once in awhile, she will give me this look, and I am taken back by how much she looks like my Grandma. I know that it is a blessing to have Taylor in our lives. She is such an amazing young lady! She is the only kid I have that would bust out with moves in the middle of Target. She just cracks me up. So anyway, check out this video of her in Target... too funny.


Edna Guerrero said...

So I was at Target and saw some kid dancing and my response was, "GOSH! I can't believe that her parents let her drink at such a young age!" Little did I know that it was actually Taylor! ha ha. She's so funny!

Sherry Stark said...

There is ABSOLUTELY no one else on this planet like Taylor Paige Holt! Not only is she hysterically funny and free spirited, but she has this incredibly huge heart and I just love her for it. I don't think anyone makes me laugh like Taylor does.