It was one year ago at this time we were enjoying ourselves in the most wonderful place on earth, Disneyland. In case you were wondering, I love Disneyland! I would choose to go there over any exotic island anyday! Nothing brings greater joy than when the gates open and you smell the churros, hear the laughter, see all the children with smiles on their face, and feel the excitement all the way to your bones. It is like Christmas morning the whole time you are there. We usually go every year at this time. The Holt's love Halloween. I think the older I get the more I love the fall. We are not there this year, but I know we will be visiting Disneyland soon. As I glance over at Marley's bedroom door, her Mickey Mouse ears hanging patiently until they can once again be used, I reflect on our life right now. I feel sort of like the Mickey Mouse ears hanging and waiting. Not too sure what the future brings, but in the meantime trying to work, raise a family, finish graduate school, and help my husband complete the police academy. I normally handle stress pretty well, but I will be the first one to admit that didn't know what I was getting myself into when Colby got accepted to the police academy. The only thing that has been keeping me going are my kids and pictures of those days when things were simple. I have caught myself getting lost in old scrapbooks, looking through old photo albums, and thinking about how simple my life was and now is so complex. In the midst of all the hecticness (if that is a word?) I am patiently waiting for the arrival of my nephew, Ryder. Another one of God's greatest miracles! I will post a picture as soon and the little man arrives.
I am grateful for my trials and the blessings that I receive each day. I know that the Lord has a plan for me and my family. I am so grateful to be married to my best friend. Even though this year I am not in Disneyland, I am preparing for greater things. A good friend of mine once told me, "If you are comfortable, you are NOT progressing." Everytime I feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed I think about the progress we are making as a family. Thanks Rejili.
Your words are like magic! You are so expressive in how you write. When I grow up I want to be just like you! Rejli has a point-(for once.. ha ha) You are a super strong woman.. you know, kinda like wonderwoman, but in a different way. ha ha. Keep your head up and take me to Disneyland with you! If all goes well, my family will go at the end of the year. Oh, I have a present for you - so I might stop by this week.
Thanks Ed, you are a wonderwoman in my book girl! Stop by anytime, but I won't be here on Wednesday night.
Very powerful words Misty! We really never know when we are living a simple life do we? We never know when the best years of our life are happening, right before our eyes. Even the hard times can create the best of times. I know these days are incredibly difficult right now but these days will be rewarded.
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