On Thursday, I woke up earlier than normal and turned on the television to watch the news. This is something I never get
to do now that I work. It was 4 o'clock in the morning and the big story was the anniversary of 9/11. I reflected on where I was when the world stopped turning, 7 years ago. I realized that the students I had now were in Kindergarten. I got out one of my old scrapbooks and took out the layout that I did shortly following 9/11. The twins just turned two and Kennedy was 4. Wow, time has passed by so quickly. I talked to my kids all the way to school and we talked about what happened that day. Colby was so full of questions. I told him that we still don't understand WHY, but it happened and we must learn from history. I also talked to my students that morning and shared with them the layout I did. I let them make comments or ask questions. They were all very respectful and understood the magnitude of the devastation that took place that day. I am so grateful for the country that I live in. I am grateful that I was chosen to live in the promise land and enjoy being free. I pray for those families who suffered losses.

As if 9/11 wasn't sad enough a dear friend of mine lost her beautiful baby boy this day. He was stillborn. Who would have thought that 3 days later his momma would pass also. Jessica died from Acute Fatty Liver of pregnancy. For those of you with "old" friends, keep them close you never know when you talk to them for the last time. RIP Jessica, you are now with your baby boy Justin in a much more beautiful place. We will miss you down here.
I too remember this day. What a horrific event. We talked A LOT about it in class. My 6th graders were 4 yrs old at the time. A lot of them were in tears just from us talking about it. Side note... I see "Thee Flag" I too have it in my class! You found us a great deal!
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