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Bitter Sweet...
Well who knew that shining boots would be such a big deal? After several hours, two types of shoe polish, and 1 google search... we are finished! Woo! Okay, so both of us are learning a lot, codes, 10s and polishing shoes, who knew? Everything is going okay. I started my first day of school last Wednesday (that will be the last time I "start" a semester, woo hoo!) It went
smoothly. Colby got his first taste of what the academy was going to be like today, he said a was a bit like what he imagines hell is like. But, he survived. He officially starts the academy on Monday, please keep us in your prayers and thoughts as we try to conquer our next trial. It seems as though Colby and I have always had something extra on our plate besides LIFE. But I guess the Lord doesn't give us too much more than we can handle. We spent a little bit of quality time together this weekend. We visited with Jonathon and Tiffany while they were here for their sealing. We had a family gathering on Saturday for Britt and Kenny's baby sho
wer. It was so nice to visit with everyone. Jeni and Robbie came over and we TRIED to go to Hobby Lobby but it was closed, bummer, but I can say that I saved a bundle of money. I got to go to Chipolte, which is extremely important. Jeni and I visited a lot and talked about music, which everyone knows how much I can talk about music. I love spending time with her. I feel like I got a part of me back when I am with her, you know, the old part of me. I am really proud of her taking that step and enrolling in college. It takes a lot of courage to enter the world of the unknown. It is inspiring to watch a person's life change. It has a been a great weekend and a wonderful start of another week. Teaching is going fantastic, enjoying it like always. I can't imagine spending my life doing anything else...
I'm thinking I don't even have to tell you how proud I am - but it is nice to hear it once in a while :) I'm not only proud, but amazed at how you just keep going forward. You've set the bar really high and it seems like we just expect success from you now, but I know the fight is hard and you just keep throwing harder punches. AND Colby.... I KNOW he will succeed! There has never been a single doubt in my mind! I can't wait to watch him graduate from the academy. Phoenix is lucky he chose them!! I love you both. Aunt Sher
Ditto to what Aunt Sherry said! Way proud of you Colby and Jeni as well! You Can Do It!!! Si se puede! ha ha.. in all seriousness... Misty you are my idol! Who ever thought I would look up to you (well, besides height) I LOVE YOU!!!!
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