Sunday, December 28, 2008
All I want for Christmas is...
My two front teeth. Okay I know that I am posting 3 blogs today, but a lot has happened since the last time. Marley lost her other tooth 4 days before Christmas. She looks so funny... just thought I would share with everyone!
Reflection on 2008...
My kids are the reason I returned to school. I wanted them to know that anything is possible. I wrote on my cap to remind them that this one was for them.
I am so grateful for this day and this moment. Which reminds me to tell you about one of those "wow, someone is looking out for us" blessings. Colby is not allowed to take any day off while he is in the academy. So the entire time I was planning on graduating, we both knew he wouldn't be able to come because it was on a Friday @ 9:00AM. This made me really sad and almost made me not want to walk. He has a schedule for each week the whole time he is in the academy. The week before my graduation he looked at his schedule and for some reason it was a 4 - 10 (4 days 10 hours)schedule that week and that week only, which meant he had that Friday off. On December 19th it simply read "Day off". He had my graduation off! What, are you kidding????? No I am not! He was able to come to my graduation, wow, someone is looking out for us! It was a just another reminder that our Heavenly Father loves us and is looking out for us yet again. Some things that even seem impossible He makes them happen. Wow.
Well, as another year ends and 2009 begins, I know that this year will be filled with great memories, life changing blessings, and of course "wow, someone is looking out for us" blessings. Colby graduates from the academy on January 19th. Please pray for us. He has several different test that he must pass, and he is really stressed out. I know that soon I will posting his graduation pictures, and I have to say that it will be a far greater accomplishment than I have ever done. He has worked harder in the last 5 months than I ever have. He is amazing. My love has grown so much for him this year. I am so blessed to have him as my husband.
Oh I almost forgot, another life changing blessing that I had this year was becoming an aunt, how could I forget that????? Here is a picture of the little miracle!
Christmas Eve traditions...
I love Christmas Eve more than Christmas day. I have time to really think about the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our savior. I read "God bless your way" to the kids. It is a Christmas Journey in another person's perspective. I really liked it, but I think it kind of confused Marley.

My kids all took their turns being sick the week of Christmas. Marley wrote a letter to Santa and she ask for her health and to be well for Christmas day. She ran a temperature all day Christmas Eve. She did feel better on Christmas day, so I guess there is a Santa, not that I ever questioned it.
Today is Sunday and I stayed home from church. I guess it is my turn to have the flu. I am a little irritated because I really wanted to take down my Christmas trees. They are still up and it makes me really sad. But I feel like crap, excuse the language there just isn't a better word that I can think of at the moment. I get really nervous and suffer from anxiety after Christmas and on New Year's day. I am not sure why, I just worry about what the next year is going to bring. I just keep reminding myself that I need to control what I can and the rest just give to my Heavenly Father. Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and has a safe New Year.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
You truly are my hero!!! To have the strength, determination, patience, and fortitude to complete your Master’s Degree while WORKING FULL TIME, RAISING FOUR CHILDREN, and KEEPING YOUR HUSBAND HAPPY (and doing it ALL without drinking)…….you deserve to be on a postage stamp!! I am so proud of you and so happy for you that it is DONE!!!! Congratulations!! Love, Karen
I thought a lot about what she said and I thought to myself, "I didn't do it alone. I don't do anything alone. I couldn't have done it without my Heavenly Father. I have lived on my knees for the last 4 months pleading with him to give me strength. And the only reason why Colby and I are where we are is completely prayer."
I have to testify that I know he answers our prayers, and if you ever wonder look around and you will find the proof. There is no doubt that we have received several blessings in 2008, but I am looking forward to it coming to an end. I hope that 2009 will be a healing year, for our country and family.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
All I want for Christmas...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
My five day break...
Well I have had quite a memorable weekend... my weekend started last Tuesday night. It was wonderful. I watched a movie... yes, I found the time. I spent Wednesday getting ready for Thanksgiving since I was expecting 60 people at my house. I made pies with my sister in law Britt, she is a rookie so it was kind of a tough thing to do. We decided to go and see the movie Twilight. This would be my second time, Britt's first. It was so good the second time! I normally go to bed at around 8 o'clock and the movie started at 10. I really felt like I was a teenager again, well in some ways. I have heard several different opinions about the movie, but I just want to give my two cents since this is my blog and, well, just because I can, I loved it! I ended up seeing it 3 times! Yes, I just can't help it!
Colby and me just enjoying the day.
This is the lovely vegetable platter that I bought just for Thankgiving, the vegetables were good too.
Katherine and Kyla
My mom and me taking charge of the kitchen.
Well, as you can see I did have a good weekend. But I had a scary weekend too. Friday morning, Colby woke up with this weird lump on his head. He was in really bad pain so he went to urgent care. There they gave him a shot and some antibiotics. Saturday he felt worse, so again he went to urgent care. They told him there was nothing they could do, but they gave him some pain medicine. Well, keep a long story short, Monday after work he felt even worse so we went back to urgent care. They sent us to the hospital, and finally he got fixed! Now the picture you are about to see is graphic, so if you have a weak stomache, don't look!
Good afternoon,
The scoring committee for the Content Academy comprehensive examination has met and scored your lesson plan. I am happy to announce that you have passed all parts of the comprehensive exam! You will receive an official letter from the department chair soon. Congratulations!
I just couldn't believe it... there is my Christmas gift... this one I gave to myself.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Its the time of the year again...
1 year and a half ago...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Humble and somber presence...

I am proud of the fact that now our country can say that we are not a racist country. This is something I have always felt to be true, last night it was confirmed.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Halloween...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I am in love...

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Fall at the Holt's house
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Who does this child belong to?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The wait is over...
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Questions I was asked this week...
1. "Mom, is it true that Marco Polo brought noodles from Italy to China?" - Taylor
2. "Mom, when did Chinese people discover American food?" - Taylor
3. "What does the word, A B S T I N E N C E, mean (as they spell it to me)?" - Lil Colby
4. "Do Chinese people do gymnastics?" - Taylor
5. "Did you walk by that tortilla place when you were little?" (Yes, I am so old that cars did not exsist!) - Taylor
6. "Mom, I don't want to whistle while I work!" - Marley (I know that is not a question, but I had to include it).
I guess it is clear that Taylor is the most curious one out of the group, does it surprise you? Anyway, I just jotted down these silly questions and thought I would share.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Decade day...

Sunday, September 28, 2008
One year ago....
I am grateful for my trials and the blessings that I receive each day. I know that the Lord has a plan for me and my family. I am so grateful to be married to my best friend. Even though this year I am not in Disneyland, I am preparing for greater things. A good friend of mine once told me, "If you are comfortable, you are NOT progressing." Everytime I feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed I think about the progress we are making as a family. Thanks Rejili.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Tough week...
Monday, September 15, 2008
My Tay
The day the world stopped turning...