Marley joined the Stampede Cheer Squad in August! She became quite the pro! She is so amazing, she caught quickly to all of the cheers and because such a leader, even though she was one of the youngest on the squad. Her squad went to the championship and they placed 1st! Isn't that awesome!
We had a large group cheering our team on! This was important because some of your scores came from crowd participation!
Here is a photo of Marley shortly after she found out she won first place, but this was taken the exact moment they presented her with the "team spirit" stick. All of the girls voted Marley has the team's most spirited! She was so proud!
Here is our group! I had Shayn's boys for the weekend, so they came along! We had so much fun! We celebrated by going to Ponchos! Where else do the Holt's go to celebrate?
We are so proud of our little cheerleader! Look out high school!
15 hours ago