Okay, I am sad to say that I do not have any pictures from my "Best Day Ever". But boy do I have my memories. It started super early in the morning. We went to Sun Cycle to get our bikes and off we went for a 6 and 1/2 hour bike ride. We rode our bikes to Last Chance and got some funky sun hats. It was a blast. Well, anyway, even though I don't have any pictures, I have lots of memories. During parts of our journey, my cousin would randomly start singing "Best Day Ever" a familiar SpongeBob song. So I thought I would share...
It was truly one of my most memorable days. Honestly, I haven't had this much fun or carefree since I ditched school in college and went to the scrapbook convention all by myself! Let me tell you, that was fun~ BEST DAY EVER... so when can we go again so I can get some pics???
16 hours ago